Well, that was quick! Bonnie revealed Clue 6 for the En Provence mystery quilt on December 30, 2016 and then posted Clue 7 and the Final Reveal on New Years Day, 2017. Isn't the finished quilt gorgeous? That Bonnie is a genius!
So Clues 6 and 7 are hourglass units comprised of 2 green sides, 1 neutral side and 1 light purple side (Clue 6) or 1 yellow side (Clue 7). Okay, but I've never done hourglass units before, and they look awfully complicated and mathy. Lucky for me, I got Bonnie's Essential Triangle tool and her wonderful tutorials to get me through!
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Photo Credit: Bonnie K Hunter - Quiltville.com |
Here's my progress on Clue 6:
Cut the 2" strips:
Sew them together:
As you can see, I had some technical difficulty with thread tension at first because I'm using my Singer 15-91 for the first time. She's about 70 years old, so I cut her some slack, re-threaded and fiddled with the tensioner, and she was good to go after this!
Look, half hourglass units!
Sewed those together, pressed, and voila!
Clue 6 DONE!
Clue 7 process pics look the same, except with yellow, so here's what I got:
But the fun part is putting this bad boy together!
Sorry about not editing this pic. Also, I ended up swapping out those gold squares for ones more the color of the hourglass unit yellow.
Following Bonnie's diagram, here's what I got:
Woot Woot! It looks like a block! :-)
I'm not too crazy about the subtleness of the contrast in the purples, but it should be okay in the quilt. I think.
So I made a few blocks and sashing units, and mocked it up:
I think it looks pretty cool! But I've also realized that I need more width to make this a good-sized lap quilt. So I'm going to make more units for 4 more blocks to make a 3x4 block quilt. I'm hoping I have just enough of these fabrics (especially the dark purples!) left to pull it off...
Final Link Up for Clues 6 and 7 is HERE! A bunch of peeps have already finished their entire quilts, and some have just absolutely fantastic versions! Good thing it's not a contest, because, seriously, there's so much awesomeness out there! ;-)
Final Link Up for Clues 6 and 7 is HERE! A bunch of peeps have already finished their entire quilts, and some have just absolutely fantastic versions! Good thing it's not a contest, because, seriously, there's so much awesomeness out there! ;-)
I had the same trouble with the purples. I only had a few pieces of really dark purple in my scraps, and couldn't find any on sale. Purple must be either out of fashion, or this year's top colour and shopkeepers here haven't got any in yet. It's a pity there's less contrast, but we have to put it down to experience.